Billing: ToolsPur does not charge recursive fees. All transactions are initiated by the user only. We do not save any payment credentials data on our servers. We follow the latest guidelines issued by Govt. of India. ToolsPur uses Stripe, Razorpay, Paytm, UPI, and PayPal to receive payments from India. (Stripe, PayPal, Payoneer & Wire Transfer are used for international payments).

Services: ToolsPur has the right to change the prices and validity of its services at any time. Also, toolspur can remove or add products based on availability in the All in One Plan, Designer Plan, and Lite Plan.

Security: Toolspur ensures user security and privacy. We are using Sectigo SSL protection to ensure 100% secured payment transactions. Toolspur uses Linode LCC, Bengaluru, India-based Virtual Private Servers, to provide cloud-based access to the users. Each and everything which is stored on our server is encrypted and secured. Even Toolspur cannot see your personal data except filled information at signup, access logs of tools & IP address.

Affiliates Program: Toolspur existing users can invite friends and colleagues to join our platform through their personal link or coupon code. For coupon codes, users have to contact support. Moreover, a user cannot refer to themselves (from making a new account) to get an affiliate reward from their purchase, this term will be counted as invalid activity and credits will be taken back. The minimum affiliate payout is 500 INR, and the per-sale affiliate commission is 20% default for all users.

Refund Policy: ToolsPur will initiate the refund only when any primary service/tool (Like Ahrefs, Wordai, Envato, Storyblocks, QueText, Placeit, Grammarly, Canva, or Moz Only) does not work for three or more days. Read briefly

Account Ban/Block: If a user shares his/her account details with others, then we can ban the user account without any notification. Multiple logins from the same IP (using Proxies, VPN, or ISP) on the same day can result in account suspension. If a user wants to check their activities, he/she has the right to put their request at (the user will get a response within 24 hours).

Notification: ToolsPur has the right to send you a message via Email / SMS to your registered number/email regarding new offers or other information purposes.

Important Guidelines: ToolsPur never allows accessing their website source code, reverse engineering on our extensions/website. We do not allow to use of cookies editor extensions. If users want to use these types of extensions then they have to remove the ToolsPur extensions first.
Last Update:-  August 24, 2021

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